Tough start

After the victory against De Hazenkamp, it was time for the 2nd indoor match on November 15. This time against Noviomagum in Lent. After a short discussion, it was decided that Jan Linders provided a nice base to gather and leave by car to the club mentioned.Once...

A suspecious loss

Thursday 17 October it was finally time, the match that would be won. With a team of the most dangerous players of Débaldérin including star player Fons. And the latter is a rarity since the switch of star player Fons to KCD, the self-proclaimed but poorly...

First years match

Last Wednesday we played the ‘first-year match’. We competed with as many first-year members as possible against the student korfball club from Nijmegen, SkunK. Débaldérin ultimately fielded six new members and five old members. In the beginning it took...

Feisty game

The second match of the season against Keizer Karel started slow in the beginning, after which the pace increased in the second half.We started with exactly eight players (without substitutions) and after only few exceptional actions in the first half it was 6-2 at...

Tough first match for the midweek

After a few weeks of well-deserved rest, it was time for the first midweek competition of the year. Despite the holidays, the enthusiasm among the members for this competition was not very high. While our opponent was the Animo club (yes, this joke has been made...