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A Canadian Comeback

June 5 had long been marked in my calendar. The last midweek match was scheduled for that day, and after a long absence, I could finally make my midweek comeback. Everyone was naturally looking forward to it. Even in Canada, the midweek games were followed, and it was...

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Student Korfball Wins Again with Débaldérin

The last home game of the season was a beautiful one, Débaldérin against Skunk. This match was particularly special on a personal level as well, as it marked the handover from former match secretary Willemijn to myself. It was naturally exciting, but fortunately,...

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Débaldérin – Noviomagum

On Wednesday, April 17, the game against Noviomagum was played. Of course, this couldn't happen without a well-filled stomach. Delicious pancakes were prepared for the game by Deen! And these were quickly eaten by the match players. The first obstacle had to be...

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