On the weekend of the 7th to 10th of June, a group of around 25 Débaldérin members got together in the south of the country, where the Weekend committee organized amazing events!
After a train trip which slowly revealed the location of the weekend, we finally arrived in Weert, where we mostly dragged benches around, played games and couldn’t leave the basket alone.
On Saturday we got ready to unmask the Mole, ehhhh saboteurs amidst ourselves. During 6 games we could earn money and jokers, our trust was tested (sorry Wouter), as well as our knowledge of each other (and of ourselves) – did you know Laura only has 2 swimming diplomas and Lisanne has 5? Anyway, after going through the trickery and unveiling the murderers, we had to get ready for the tests. We talked everything through during the BBQ, and to everyone’s surprise: we all had different views.
In the evening we could, after Pieter put in some hard work, enjoy a nice fire outside, after which a small group went to make café de Stuiterbal unsafe in Weert. At this point, Arjan joined us, who just got off the train with all his baggage, to hang with us in the café. Beers were had, dances were done (sometimes including shifty looks from the locals) and hamburgers with butter were devoured. Ask about Tobias’ wiggle wiggle, that’ll cheer you right up.
Sunday we traveled through Weert in heat and cold. First we fought in a heated glow in the dark golf arena, after which we took a fresh swim in the outside pool of the IJzeren Man, after which we could make the wave pool unsafe. Inbetween we had a homemade lunch, whilst surprising ourselves with the funny accents of our southern Dutchmen, where Bart suddenly became the center of attention.
When we got back to the scouts building, our home for this weekend, we laid our last hand on getting our acts ready for the night, after which we could enjoy the creativity and talents our Débaldérin members have to offer. It’s hard to describe it all, but we were taken aback by the circus with Diablo Disaster, all Débaldérin tournaments of the last year, the olympics, the courthouse and the fairytale forest, the last of which had its mood set by just the lit up emergency exit signs. Whistling and judging was done, as well as laughing and screaming. Of course we also finally got to know the identity of the SABOTEURS. I would be careful around Allard and Laura.
The last morning, the scouts house got cleaned up and the load of food kept becoming smaller, after which it was time to start a long trip (home)home, on which the group slowly fell apart and everyone could catch up on sleep at home!
Participants, but most of all, Weekend committee thank you!
We can all enjoy the pictures and you-know-whats <3